Thursday, November 1, 2012

So Exciting!

Sooooooo... I have some pretty exciting news!  I am going to be reading and reviewing prepublished young adult books and writing little reviews about them for Penguin Group.  I found out a month ago and was so excited it made me cry! PREPUBLUISHED BOOKS?!?!? So cool! 

How did I get this sweet deal you ask? Well on of my mom's best friends, Allison, has a mother who works in publishing for Penguin.  She knows how much I love to read and so she asked my mom if I would be interested.  Of course she said yes!  Oh, she also asked if I mom would allow me to start a blog wellll I had already started one.

Anyway this is alll just so exciting for me!  I am so thankful that Mrs. Quattrocchi asked me to do this! I have read a few of the books (as well as some others) I have just been so busy reading that I haven't gotten down to the reviewing.  Soo... very soon so STAY TUNED!

My first shipment.
My second shipment... this just came last week.

1 comment:

  1. I am sooo jealous!! I would have loved an opportunity like this when I was your age :) Enjoy it! Looking forward to reading your posts :)
    - Rebecca
