Monday, July 7, 2014

The Replacement

  "The Replacement" by Brenna Yovanoff was disturbing yet... really good. It opened up and somewhat created a new world in Fanatsy. The book is about a boy, Mackie, who... isn't really a boy. Understand? He begins to notice weird changes in his behavior and the behavior of others when they're around him and he's not exactly sure why. People are stalking him and being straight up creepy. He lives in a small town that is rumored to be haunted by a twisted ritual performed by demon things every few years, and it involves babies. A girl's baby sibling is taken for the sacrifice and Mackie is determined to help get the baby back.
  The end of the book is really the best part. The message I took from this book is that ugly things can be beautiful if you love them. The sister, at one point, talks to Mackie about how when he was a newborn, he was beautiful, but then one day he was just ugly. The sister loved him and took care of him since the mother "couldn't". You'll know what I mean if you read it. But eventually, Mackie started to be less and less ugly and his sister assumes it's because she loved him so much. I try and be like this sister with my own brother. JUst be nice and loving even when it's really hard.
  Everything in the book is just really out there. It crosses some sort of line that's been silently created. It goes deep into the roots of  "teenagery" actions. It's not necessarily a bad thing it's just different. I liked the book and I liked the way Yovanoff created this underworld where Mackie came from.
  I don't know if I loved the book, but I had my friends read it and they liked it. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who's graduated high- school haha.

Sorry for the flood of reviews!!

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